Special Announcement
Available DVDs
A Remembrance Service was held at the Aripeka Baptist Church on Sunday, December 6, 2020. Since that time, an interest has been shown both by attendees at the service and others who were not able to attend, in having a video copy of the service. Based on the interest, DVDs of the Remembrance Service are now available in the church vestibule during Sunday morning and evening services and the Wednesday evening Prayer Meetings. Copies of the DVD may also be picked up at the Aripeka Community Library on Rosemary Street during their regular open hours.
A video of the Christmas Cantata Service held on Sunday, December 13, 2020 is now available on the church website (Christmas Cantata). DVDs of this service are also being processed and will be available at the church and library.
For those who cannot pick up DVDs at either location, if you contact the church (contact church) or Lou Charity (lcharity@tampabay.rr.com) and provide a name and address, DVDs can be mailed or delivered.
There are no costs to you for the DVDs or for mailing or delivery.